Finding Selfhood

Finding Selfhood

The waking chapters of life
Harness the chains of survival.
The richness of a treasured gold
Cannot guarantee
The defeat against death.
A flying idea of contentment
Has to land.
The contentment also has to walk
By your side.
Happiness is not bought,
It is grown and seen
In methods of day to day survival.
Survival is not a trivia
But it is a growing life.
A true purpose of life
Must be passionately nurtured
But not at the cost of life.
Sticking to a passion,
Surviving and finding a meaning
Can make one immortal.
The wind of enlightenment
Blows to reach the touch of selfhood,
The distance is a journey to seek.

© Sushant Thapa
Biratnagar-13, Nepal

  Bio of Sushant Thapa

Sushant Thapa (born on 26th February, 1993) is a Nepalese poet from Biratnagar-13, Nepal who holds a Master’s degree in English literature from Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi, India.

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