

I remember you when there’s spring
I remember you when the birds sing.
I remember you when I hear chattering of a brook
I remember you when at tulips I look.
I remember you when I am alone.
I remember you when I look at the moon.
You came in my life as spring
My heart joyfully began to sing.
I forgot sorrows when you called me in a soothing Voice
And when you laughed, produced ringing sound that echoed thrice.
You spent little time with me like a tulip flower
Though it shows itself to me yearly, you left for ever.
Now I am alone but often your memories accompany me
Which don’t give me a joy but only cause anxiety.
I thought you were my moon in my each dark hour
Since you left me, the darkness from my life doesn’t go away ever.

© Shafkat Aziz Hajam

 Bio of Shafkat Aziz Hajam

Shafkat Aziz Hajam is from Kashmir, India. He is a poet, reviewer and co-author. He has authored two children poetry books titled as ‘The Cuckoo’s Voice’ and ‘The Canary’s Voice’ and one adult poetry book titled ‘The Unknown Wounded Heart’.

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